
* Reminder: Service hours are due 4/15/2016.

All members are expected to consistently maintain the characteristics of exemplary character, leadership, and service.

Grades will be checked each grading period. Students whose GPA falls below 3.6 will have the following grading period to correct the deficiency before dismissal from NHS.

Members are expected to attend all monthly meetings (meeting dates posted on NHS website). All absences must be approved in advance with the adviser. Excused absences include school activities that may prohibit a student from being at the meeting right after school. Examples include Science/Math competitions, away sporting events, and/or school trips. You will be placed on probation and potentially dismissed from NHS due to non-attendance.

All materials should be submitted to the adviser on time. Responsibility is one of the characteristics for which members are selected and can be grounds for dismissal. Late materials will not be accepted and will forfeit one’s membership.

NHS is a service organization. Members are required to participate in chapter and individual service events totaling at least 10 volunteer hours over the academic year. The 10 volunteer hours must come from at least 3 activities, two of which MUST be NHS sponsored events.

If a student is suspended from school, he/she will automatically be dismissed from the NHS. Notice of appeal may be filed with the NHS adviser. Furthermore, any member who willfully and persistently violates the school rules, or may be involved in immoral or disreputable conduct (regardless of when or where the situation occurs) shall be subject to dismissal from NHS. Record of membership will be removed from permanent school records.

NHS members are required to complete, sign, and turn in the Honor Code, Requirements for Maintaining NHS Membership, and Meeting Agenda from the first NHS meeting.